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NARC Annual Meeting and Swap

Sunday September 25, 2016
at the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting

2016 logo

The 2016 Northland Antique Radio Club annual meeting is scheduled for 12:00 noon on September 25th at the Pavek Museum, located at 3517 Raleigh Ave., St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

An old radio swap meet will be held in the parking lot from around 10-11:00 am, preceding the annual meeting, as usual. This is typically a small swap, with 10 to 15 vendors. It is FREE for sellers to set up a table by their car, and there is no registration required, so please bring some old radio stuff to sell! The museum doors will open around 11:00 am, giving everyone some time to check out what's for sale in the museum's back room or to wander around the museum and to visit with the other collectors before the meeting starts.

Promptly at 12:00 noon the meeting will begin inside the museum with Steve Raymer providing the president's view on how things went over the last year. Jim Thompson will recap of how the May event went and Greg Farmer will give a brief financial report and announce election results.

The current officers have all agreed to run again and are on the ballot enclosed with this newsletter. If other club members are interested in being an officer, they can write in their name. The term of office will be October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. Running for office are: Steve Raymer as NARC president, Glen Berg and Alan Jesperson as Vice Presidents, Greg Farmer as Secretary and Mary Farmer as Treasurer. Please take time to fill out and send in the officer ballot with your annual dues.

Please bring along a radio that you found this past summer and let us see it! It's always fun to see what NARC members have found at flea markets, auctions, estate sales, garage sales, or wherever. Prizes will be awarded this year to the best 'Find'. This is always an enjoyable event with good participation.

Remember this event is FREE for all current and renewing members!

Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
The Northland Antique Radio Club