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Come to the NARC Annual Meeting and Swap!

Sunday September 22, 2019
at the Pavek Museum

2019 logo

This past year has been very good for our club, thanks in part to improved attendance at last November's Fall Swap meet, another great Radio Workshop in February, and a very successful Radio Daze meet in May, all resulting in a 19.6% membership increase, up from 178 last year to 213 this year! Hopefully this trend will continue! This is phenomenal considering that many of the vintage radio clubs are complaining about declining membership. So, our leadship must be doing OK but there is always room for improvement. If you have ideas or suggestions for the club, the Annual Meeting is a good time to let us know.

Please mark your calendar for the 2019 Northland Antique Radio Club annual meeting on September 22nd at the Pavek Museum, located at 3517 Raleigh Ave., St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

The meeting will start at noon inside the museum, but there will also be an old radio swap meet in the parking lot from around 10-11:30 am, preceding the meeting. This is typically a small swap, with 10 to 15 vendors. It is FREE to sell and no registration is required, so this is your chance to clear out some of those old radios, parts, and related items at no cost to you. Just put a price on them and display them from your trunk, or you could bring a table along to display them on.

The museum doors will open at 11:00 a.m., giving us time to wander around the museum and to visit with the other collectors while grabbing a few snacks before the meeting starts. Note that the museum does not plan to offer anything for sale at this meeting.

The meeting will begin inside the museum promptly at 12 noon with Phillip Drexler providing the president's view on how things went over the last year. Jim Thompson will recap the May event and Greg Farmer will give a brief financial report and announce election results.

The election for officers ballot is mailed to all current members in the August newsletter.
2018 Meeting Swap

Finally, please bring along a radio that you've recently found and let us see it! We do this at every annual meeting and it's always fun to see what's been found at flea markets, auctions, estate sales, garage sales, or wherever. Prizes will be awarded this year to the best 'Find'. This is always an enjoyable event with good participation.

Remember this event is FREE for all current and renewing members!

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The Northland Antique Radio Club
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