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Come to the NARC Annual Meeting and Swap!

Sunday September 18, 2022
at the Comfort Inn Plymouth
3000 Harbor Lane, Plymouth, Minnesota

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Please mark your calendar for the 2022 Northland Antique Radio Club annual meeting on Sunday September 18th and be sure to note the new location for this event! The meeting will be held in the Comfort Inn Plymouth main ballroom at 3000 Harbor Lane, in Plymouth, Minnesota, the same place where the Radio Daze auction, contest, and program have been held for many years.

The meeting will start at noon in the ballroom, and there will also be a radio swap meet outside in the parking lot from around 10-11:30 am, preceding the meeting. This is typically a small swap, with 10 to 15 vendors, but it is FREE to sell and no registration is required! This is your chance to clear out some of those old radios, parts, and related items at no cost to you. Just put a price on them and display them from your trunk, or maybe bring a table along to display them on.

The meeting will begin inside the ballroom promptly at 12 noon with topics including a review of how things went over the last year, changes to our venues, the Radio Daze event, a brief financial report, and 2023 club officer election results.

Finally, please bring along a radio that you've recently found and let us see it! We do this at every annual meeting and it's always fun to see what's been found at flea markets, auctions, estate sales, garage sales, or wherever. A prize will be awarded this year to the best 'Find'. This is always an enjoyable event with good participation.

Remember this event is FREE for all current and renewing members!

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The Northland Antique Radio Club
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