Saturday will kick off with the parking lot swap meet followed by the radio contest, coordinated by Greg Farmer. Item check in for the contest will run from 9:00 am to 10:00 am with viewing from 11:30am to 12:30pm. We have added a new rotating theme category to the contest. The category for Radio Daze 2002 will be 'Emerson Radio'. A trip to the contest room always yields a surprise or two. The Saturday luncheon runs from noon to 12:45 pm, the cost is $9.00 per person. The Saturday program begins at 1:00 pm and features nationally recognized film collector and historian, Bob DeFlores. With his talents in demand throughout the country, we are very fortunate to have Bob at Radio Daze. Don't cut your Radio Daze experience short by missing this fine presentation. Click here to see the Radio Daze 2002 flyer!