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Saturday November 1, 2014 at St. Croix Lutheran High School

It's always fun to wrap up a summer of swap meets, flea markets, garage sales, and auctions with one final chance to buy or sell some old radios before the holiday season. That happened on November 1, 2014 at the annual NARC Fall Indoor Swap Meet where a good quantity of old radios exchanged hands in St. Croix Lutheran High School's cafeteria!
fall 2014

By the time the doors opened at 8:30 am, a line of buyers was waiting to get in and the sellers were set up and ready. About 30 tables were full of radios of all sorts, magazines, tubes, some phonographs and records, TVs, audio equipment, and other related items. Mary Farmer handled registration and also had a hospitality table set up with donuts, coffee, and soft drinks ready for us!

Activity was especially busy for the first hour and there was a wide variety of items for sale, as in past years. Some highly collectible early battery sets seen included a Radiola Grand, Super Zenith VII, and a Crosley Pup.

At 10:30, Mary opened the lunch counter. For $3 you could buy a nice lunch consisting of hot dogs, cookies, chips and pop. Not a bad deal. The Silent Auction had some things entered that sold at bargain prices. The drawing was at noon, and everyone cleared out shortly after that.

It looked like everyone had a good time!

fall 2014

fall 2014

fall 2014
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The Northland Antique Radio Club