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Attendance was up at the November 2018 NARC swap meet, thanks in part to improved advertising by our new club president. Not only that, but we also gained four new members at the meet, plus another seven who were previous members that rejoined. Welcome to the club!

Mary is the organizer of the Fall meets. She scheduled the November 3rd date with the people at St. Croix Lutheran High School in West St. Paul, shopped for hospitality food, and then did her usual great jobs of handling registration and the hospitality table. In addition to the 4 new members, and 7 previous members, another 29 renewed their memberships for the next year. Over 130 people attended the meet. Mary had the hospitality table set up with free donuts, coffee and pop, and later offered a nice $3 lunch consisting of hot dogs, cookies, chips and pop.

fall 2018

Not only was attendance up, but it seemed like there was more for sale this year. By the time the vendors were set up there was a line of buyers waiting to come in. They found a good assortment of interesting things, including lots of parts, radios needing repair, and other low priced items to check out, along with some very good quality radios that were looking for a new home. Many items changed hands, there was a lot of visiting among old friends and new friends, and it looked like everyone was having a good time.

The Silent Auction had quite a few entries and most sold at bargain prices. The drawing was at noon, and by 1 pm the meet was over. As usual, the date for the 2019 Fall swap meet will be posted on the NARC website by the end of September. We'd like to post it earlier, but the school can't commit to a date until sometime after school starts in September.

fall 2018
A Happy Buyer
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The Northland Antique Radio Club
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