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The Northland Antique Radio Club2022 NARC Fall Swap Meet RecapThe new location at Hopkins High School proved to be the perfect place for the October 22, 2022 Fall indoor swap meet! The area (one of the lunchrooms) had plenty of space, it was relatively easy for the sellers to move their items from their cars to the area, and there were plenty of windows so the lighting was good. A huge thanks to Phillip Drexler for all the work he did searching for a new location and then working with the Hopkins High School people to reserve the room for us. Phillip has already spoken with them about using their facilities again in 2023. The previous two Indoor Fall Swap Meet events were cancelled due to Covid-19, so this was the first since 2019 and there was a good crowd of eager buyers and sellers. Nearly all the tables sold out to sellers and they generally reported that sales were good. I saw many nice radios from all eras, some good early battery sets, ham radios, transistor radios, some good audio equipment, tables full of radio parts and literature, many fully restored radios and also many that needed restoring. There was something for everyone! A huge thanks also goes to Jeff for taking photos and to Mary for handling the registration table, signing up four new members, and collecting dues from many others who renewed their memberships for the next year. The total number of paid memberships for the 2022-23 club year is now up to 188. As usual, this was a great occasion for socializing and it looked like everyone was having a good time. The meet wrapped up shortly after the door prize drawing at noon, and by 1 pm the room was empty. Copyright 2025. All rights reserved. The Northland Antique Radio Club |