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Past Fall Meets
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Saturday October 28, 2023

(Open to the public 9:00 am to Noon)

Hopkins High School

2400 Lindbergh Drive
(marked on street signs as Royals Drive)
Minnetonka, Minnesota

Hopkins High School
Mark your calendar!
The Northland Antique Radio Club's 36th annual Indoor Fall Swap Meet will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023, in the Hopkins High School lunch room in Minnetonka, Minnesota. This is a fun event that you won't want to miss!

8 A.M. Seller Setup - $10 table fee
9 A.M. Opens to Buyers

Admission is FREE for NARC members and only a dollar for non-members. You can become a club member, or renew your $15 yearly membership, at the meet.

The event will run similarly as in recent years.
If you want to sell at the swap meet, you MUST be a NARC member. There is no pre-registration. All table rentals, admission tickets and membership renewals will be handled at the meet. The school provides all the seller tables and sellers rent them for $10 each on a first come, first served basis.

Entrance to the school is through the main front doors (towards the left in the photo). From there, take the first hallway to the right, go past the first lunch room (with round tables) and proceed to the second lunchroom (with rectangular tables). Our access to the room begins at 8 A.M. and members who will be selling will be admitted as soon after that as the registration table is ready, allowing them time to haul their merchandise in and set it up on their table before the doors open to buyers at 9:00 A.M.

Note: Sellers will have to carry their items to the swap meet area, so bring a hand truck or small cart if you have anything heavy.
The school does not supply any rolling carts.
The school requests that you please use extra care not to mark the floors with your hand cart and please bring a protective covering for the table.

The club will not be providing any food, snacks, or drinks, per school rules.

By 9:00 AM, when the buying public is allowed in, there is usually a good crowd waiting and things get busy fast. You can expect to find typically 30-35 tables full (plus overflow onto the floor) of vintage radios, televisions, phonographs, speakers, test equipment, audio gear, literature, tubes, parts and other radio-related items.

A photo from last year's Fall Swap Meet:

2022 NARC Fall Swap Meet

Note that the silent auction is being discontinued and will not be held this year. Silent auction participation in recent years has been low and not doing it will free up a few more tables for swap meet sellers.

We need to be totally out of the school by 1:00 P.M. and expect the meet will probably start winding down around noon, giving sellers an hour to pack up.

This is a great chance to sell those radios you no longer want, find a new one for your collection or to restore this winter, and to mingle with fellow club members. See you there!

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The Northland Antique Radio Club
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