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NARC Summer 2018 Picnic Report

I arrived at the August 19th picnic at Snail Lake Regional Park in Shoreview at about 11:00 AM and there were already several people there visiting. Weather was warm, a little humid, hazy, but overall it was a nice day. More people arrived over the next hour until there was a total of 17 club members in attendance. Participation was down slightly from last year although this was a much nicer location. A lot of us brought portable radios and phonographs for this year's theme: portable music players.

Lunch started at noon. There was a batch of sloppy joes and everyone had brought food to share. There were several varieties of potato salad, chips, fruit and a dessert. The sloppy joes were top notch. Everyone sat at tables and chatted while we ate and there also was a photo album of the first couple of years of the club, about 30 years ago. It was neat seeing everyone with darker fuller hair, younger faces, slimmer builds and, of course, radios.

We all spent some time discussing the future of the club and museum. The Pavek has undergone a lot of administrative changes. They are no longer having regular garage sales or accepting most donations. We discussed using the newsletter and word of mouth to advertise available radios to interested parties.

The show-and-tell was interesting, as usual. Jeff showed a modern Chinese-made shirt pocket radio and a Superadio 3 he recently purchased. Matt demonstrated a 1940 Emerson portable radio that played using modern D and 9 volt cells. Matt also showed a miniature console phonograph made for children in the 1920s. Phil showed a locally made 1920s era Northome portable phonograph. Karl showed a large National Panasonic 11-band radio. Greg had a 1930 Crescent Car-Electric portable radio made in Minneapolis. Other radios included: 1950s Transoceanic, Motorola AC/DC portable, 1970s Panasonic AM radio, early 60s Arvin portable and Heathkit Mohican multi-wave radio.

2018 Picnic
2018 Picnic 2018 Picnic

For an activity, Mary handed out a 1960 quiz for us to fill out for fun. And there was a guess the number of radio knobs in a jar. Jim came closest without guessing over the actual number. Prizes were awarded for the favorite radio and most correct quiz answers.

It was a fun afternoon. There is a picnic planned for next year, July 14, 2019, at the same location.

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The Northland Antique Radio Club
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