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Proudly Announces


May 15 & 16, 2009

Comfort Inn of Plymouth
3000 Harbor Lane
Plymouth, Minnesota 55447


Welcome to

The Northland Antique Radio Club invites you to attend RADIO DAZE 2009 at the Comfort Inn of Plymouth - in Plymouth, Minnesota !

This is our 23rd year! Radio Daze is THE destination for radio collectors from across the country who regularly come to buy, sell, and swap radios, to participate in the radio contest, to find some bargains at the radio auction, and to attend the outstanding programs that RADIO DAZE is known for.

Highlights of RADIO DAZE 2009 will include:
  • RADIO AUCTION Friday evening
  • Outdoor SWAP MEET Saturday morning held in a huge sellers-only area in the parking lot
  • RADIO CONTEST featuring early radios, etc., on Saturday afternoon
  • PROGRAM: Door prizes, contest awards, and a presentation by Alfred Balk: ‘How Radio Shaped America, Sifting Fact From Fiction’.
  • Pavek Museum GARAGE SALE
Enjoy coffee, pop, and snacks in the Hospitality Room.

Again this year, the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting, along with the Antique Wireless Association (AWA) are co-sponsors of this meet. The Pavek Museum is located just a few miles from the meet, in nearby St. Louis Park. The museum contains a wonderful collection related to radios and radio broadcasting. Museum admission for RADIO DAZE participants is free May 15th and 16th.

Don't miss RADIO DAZE 2009 !

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Friday - May 15th

Saturday - May 16th
10:00 am - 6:00 pmPavek Museum Open Dawn - 2:00 pmOutdoor Swap Meet
5:00 pm- 6:30 pmEvent Registration 7:00 am - 2:00 pmHospitality Room
5:00 pm - 6:30 pmAuction Item Check-in 8:00 am - 2:00 pmEvent Registration
6:00 pm - 7:00 pmAuction Preview 9:00 am - 5:00 pmPavek Museum Open
7:00 pm - 10:00 pmAntique Radio Auction 11:00 am - NoonContest Item Entry
Noon - 1:00 pmContest Judging
1:00 pm - 2:00 pmView Contest Room
2:00 pm - 4:00 pmProgram & Drawing



Everyone is encouraged to support this, and future NARC events, by registering! Registration is required for admittance to most indoor events, the Hospitality Room, the Pavek Museum, and to sell items in the parking lot.
Registration is not actually required to buy or sell at the auction, or to buy at the outdoor swap meet, but we do encourage everyone to register since your support is needed to continue holding these events in the future. All who register will be put on the NARC mailing list and may receive emails if we learn of other area auctions, sales, etc., that would be of interest to radio collectors.

You can pre-register (and save $3.00) by returning the enclosed registration form before May 8th to:
NARC, PO Box 18362, Minneapolis, MN 55418.

After you arrive, pick up your name badge and other materials in the Registration Room.


Visit the Hospitality Room next to the Registration room for coffee, pop, and snacks!


The meet kicks off with a large antique radio auction at 7:00pm Friday at the hotel! We already have some good items consigned for the auction and you can also consign any radio items that you want to sell by bringing them to the auction on Friday May 15 between 5:00 and 6:30 pm. You do not need to be registered for Radio Daze to buy or sell at this auction. If registered, bidding numbers are $1; otherwise they are $3. A nominal seller fee of 5% ($1 minimum / $25 maximum) on each item entered will be charged. Items that don't get an opening bid of at least $10 will not be sold, but will still be charged the minimum $1 seller fee.

Contact NARC if you have questions about selling your items at the auction.


A light lunch will be available in the hospitality room on Saturday. Other choices are the Axel's Bonfire restaurant within the hotel and other restaurants nearby, including Perkins, Jake's Sports Bar, and several fast food establishments.


  • Opening Comments
  • Contest Awards: "Best of Show", "People's Choice", "Best Presentation"
  • Featured speaker: Alfred Balk
  • Door Prizes
  • 50/50 Drawing


Alfred Balk, author of ‘The Rise of Radio: from Marconi to the Golden Age’, published in 2006, will present ‘How Radio Shaped America, Sifting Fact From Fiction’. Alfred is a great speaker and is well qualified to tackle this subject. He has worked as a news-writer for station WBBM, a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, and as a freelance magazine writer. He was Feature Editor of Saturday Review, Editor of Columbia Journalism Review, Founding editor of World Press Review, IEEE Spectrum Managing Editor and taught at Columbia and Syracuse Universities.
This should be a very enjoyable program!



BEST OF SHOW - Trophy awarded to the best overall contest entry, as determined by the contest judges.

PEOPLE'S CHOICE - Trophy awarded to the entry receiving the most show attendee votes.

GENERAL AWARDS - First, second, and third place ribbons within each contest category will be awarded by the contest judges. More than one ribbon may be awarded if there is a tie.


BOOKS AND MAGAZINES – Any publications related to radio.

RADIO PERSONALITIES – Anything related to radio personalities.

CRYSTAL RADIOS - Any radio with a crystal detector.

1920’s BATTERY RADIOS - Any battery-operated radio made in the 1920’s.

STYLISH PRE-WWII RADIOS – Any radio made before World War II with an especially stylish cabinet.

MULTI-BAND TUBE RADIOS – Any tube-operated radio with at least 3 tuning bands.

MULTI-BAND TRANSISTOR RADIOS – Any transistor radio with at least 3 tuning bands.

RADIOS IN THEIR ORIGINAL BOX - Any radio displayed with its original box or shipping carton.

SPEAKERS - Any speaker over 75 years old.

RADIO STATION ADVERTISING – Any item that advertises any radio station.

RADIO TEST EQUIPMENT – Any device used for testing radio equipment

MISCELLANEOUS - Any radio-related item not included in the other contest categories.

  • Items that have previously won an award in a Radio Daze contest may not be entered.
  • Contestants may only have ONE entry per category. Any single entry having more than one item must be documented to explain the significance of the items.
  • Items must be entered in the most appropriate category. The judges reserve the right to move an item to the most appropriate category if necessary.
  • The judging committee will give significant consideration to rarity, historical significance, collector appeal, documentation, and condition.



The Pavek Museum, located at 3515 Raleigh Avenue in St. Louis Park Minnesota, is open Friday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The museum contains one of the world's largest collections of early radios, televisions, tubes, broadcast equipment, and other radio related artifacts.

Be sure to stop in at the Pavek Museum's Annual Garage Sale, being held Friday and Saturday!

Wear your Radio Daze name tag for free admission!



This will be our 12th year at the same location! The hotel has agreed to the same rates as last year, which is only $73 for either single or double rooms Thursday through Sunday nights. Reserve by May 8th to assure room availability. For best service, please mention you are with the Northland Antique Radio Club and are attending the radio meet.

Comfort Inn of Plymouth
3000 Harbor Lane
Plymouth Minnesota 55447

hotel map


The Mall of America is the largest shopping mall in the USA and is less than 20 minutes away. Hundreds of shops on four levels and a large indoor amusement park make this a favorite attraction.

Other attractions within 30 minutes include the Minnesota Zoo, Valley Fair Amusement Park, Mystic Lake Casino, and the downtown areas of both Minneapolis and St. Paul.


    We do not have permission at this location to display anything for sale except on Saturday.
    This rule WILL be enforced as it was last year.
  • Registration is required to participate in RADIO DAZE events. Wear your name tag at all times.
  • Only Registered Sellers can park in the roped off swap meet area on the west side of the hotel.
  • Alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted.
  • Trash should be disposed of in the receptacles provided. Junk radio parts must be taken home.
  • Neither NARC, AWA, the Pavek Museum, nor any individual member or officer will be responsible for any injury to any person or for any loss, theft, or damage of any property at this meet.
See you at RADIO DAZE 2009 !

This page was last updated on 3/27/2009.
Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
The Northland Antique Radio Club