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Northland Antique Radio Club

Sunday February 12, 2012

Museum of Broadcasting
3517 Raleigh Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Pavek Museum

The Northland Antique Radio Club's annual Radio Workshop will be held February 12 at the The Museum of Broadcasting, located at 3517 Raleigh Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416. This is a favorite event for many NARC members and is always very enjoyable.

The day begins with the swap meet outside in the parking lot. The swap always has some interesting radios and other radio things for sale at reasonable prices. The museum will open its doors at 11 a.m., an hour before the workshop begins. This hour is a great time to explore the museum, check out what surplus items might be for sale in the back room, visit with fellow collectors, and munch on the snacks that Kim and Lynn Wagar will be bringing. But please, no snacks in the museum main room! The workshop starts at noon and will probably last about 2 hours.

Steve Raymer will demonstrate and explain technical aspects relating to radio. There will be other presenters showing off their skills and tricks that will make radio repairs easier. There are always surprises. Steve would welcome anyone else who can help by showing any sort of restoration technique you might like to share, such as veneer and wood finish restoration, bakelite repair and restoration, electrical restoration, or whatever. If you have any questions about helping with the program or want to contribute, please call Steve at 952-926-8198.

Admission is free to all current Museum of Broadcasting and NARC members (and immediate family members). Membership forms will be available for anyone wishing to join the club.

See you all there!

This page last updated Monday, 30-Jun-2014 02:52:57 CDT.
Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.
The Northland Antique Radio Club